Thursday, February 2, 2012

Home » » Audi A4 brake installation manual

Audi A4 brake installation manual

The steps for this Audi A4 brake installation manual
1. be sure that the vehicle is parked on level concrete and the parking brake is on.
2. the stopping place before and after the rear tire.
3. Click User Manual of good practices, the removal of lifting and wheel before lifting the front of the vehicle.
4. Place jack stood beneath the vehicle for added stability.
5. remove the wheel.
6. position the clamp on the brake line brake lines. This minimizes the loss of brake fluid.
7. using the 11 mm wrench, disconnect the brake line from caliper. Keep in mind that the brake fluid may leak from prompt once disconnected.
8. disconnect ABS sensor Grommet from the anchor pull straight up.
